Changes by the FDA have expanded the need for menu labeling support and other services from MenuTrinfo

In early May 2023, President Biden signed a bill ending the national Covid emergency. With the emergency declaration expiring, the suspension of menu labeling enforcement by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will expire as well.
As a result of this bill, food service operators will be required to meet the labeling requirements once again by November 7, 2023. So, what does this mean for your establishment?
These regulations will require covered establishments with 20 or more locations to provide calorie content on menus, menu boards and other points of sale. Not only that, but they will have to make other nutritional information available in writing or print upon request. Since April of 2020, enforcement of these regulations was suspended.
MenuTrinfo’s nutrition team can be any establishment’s reasonable basis for nutrition data. Our team of experts can ensure that the information you’re displaying to the public meets all regulatory requirements and is data your guests can trust. This provides brand protection and confidence in meeting all regulations.

As a public health initiative, the goal of menu labeling is to help consumers make informed choices about their food and to reduce the risk of obesity and other diet-related diseases. There is a growing body of evidence that menu labeling can help consumers make healthier choices. A 2018 study by the Harvard School of Public Health found that menu labeling brings a 12-20% decrease in calorie intake among restaurant diners. Another study found that menu labeling led to a 9% increase in the number of consumers who chose healthier options.
With the return of menu labeling enforcement and the discretionary period (May 7, 2023 – Nov 7, 2023) ending, businesses that are not in compliance with these regulations may be subject to disciplinary actions by the FDA.
Businesses who are subject to the menu labeling guidelines should take a few steps to prepare, which include (but are not limited to):
- Review the menu labeling requirements
- Update menus and menu boards
- Train employees on the menu labeling requirements
The discretionary period allowed businesses more time to implement these requirements andcontinue to educate and train their employees about their new information, but the November 7 deadline is right around the corner. The nutrition team at MenuTrinfo can help you get and stay compliant with menu labeling regulations. We can also review your menu and all disclaimers before publishing and be the reasonable basis to provide required nutritional information.
Elsewhere, the 2022 Food Code Update released in December 2022 is a massive win for those with food allergies. Aside from adding sesame to create the list of nine major allergens, it puts an emphasis on training employees to increase allergen awareness, thus preventing exposure and avoiding instances of food allergic reactions.

Our team has an abundance of training options, including the capability to put any of our ANAB-accredited training courses onto your Learning Management System (LMS). We also provide live-taught and other e-learning options, allowing us to meet the budget and training requirements for any brand.
Additionally, the 2022 Food Code has a food labeling regulation for bulk foods. Food must be properly labeled, with the original container to reflect the written notification of major food allergens as ingredients in unpackaged foods. Our nutrition team is well-versed in all labeling mandates and can assist with these efforts as well.

Transparency and trust being promoted through regulations and updates are necessary for your brand as it ensures consumer safety when they are out dining and/or consuming food products. Rest assured, the MenuTrinfo team is well-equipped to help protect your brand by becoming compliant as these new changes take place.
About MenuTrinfo:
MenuTrinfo® is a company dedicated to ensuring safe food service by providing allergen and nutritional information, as well as programs such as Certified Free From™, AllerTrain® and a wide variety of services for colleges, universities, manufacturers of consumer-packaged goods, and more. We excel in employee food allergy training and certification, as well as food safety guidance and menu consulting. MenuTrinfo® has become a trusted partner for food service partners and manufacturers across the United States, and the company’s mission is to protect lives and make dining experiences as safe as possible for those with allergy restrictions.
Photo Credits: Adobe Stock, Chipotle, FDA