By Betsy Craig
They have already shown that they care about how food is produced and sourced, sustainability, and the environment. They care about doing what’s right for their customers. Some of them just happen to overlook a key demographic of their customers: those with food allergies. If they want their customers to feel good about dining with them in relation to how their food is produced, then they ought to care just as much about their customers feeling good knowing what they are consuming.

The health and safety of their customers in every aspect of their dining experience should be given the same level of care. Knowing where one’s food comes from is an important factor; knowing precisely what is in one’s food and how it is prepared can be a matter of life and death for some people. Feeling good about what you are eating comes in a variety of forms. You can feel good about where your food is sourced and how it is produced, but if it makes you sick because you are unaware that it contains things to which you are allergic, that is a net loss.

It’s no doubt that Farm to Fork establishments work to provide quality goods and services to their customers. Since this is the case, they should go one step further to ensure that their customers can feel good about their dining experience, as well as feel good physically after dining. Magowan talks about why Farm to Fork dining services should seek to maintain accurate food allergen information on-hand for their customers: “Nutrition, ingredient, and allergen information is vital to those with special dietary needs. In order to make informed decisions, a consumer has every right to know what’s in their food. Full transparency with reliable information can make all the difference in whether or not your guests can dine with confidence.”
When it comes to transparency, all a company needs are the facts on-hand to provide to customers should they request them. MenuTrinfo can get the facts. Many dining services and locations have called on MenuTrinfo to analyze nutritional and allergen information. There is no reason that a Farm to Fork establishment, which strives to do good in their community, cannot extend their good work to maintaining accurate nutritional and allergen information for their customers. Magowan goes on to explain how MenuTrinfo can work with clients to ensure food safety so customers can dine safely and with confidence. “MenuTrinfo is a food service’s one-stop-shop for all things nutrition and food allergy management-related. From nutritional analysis support to training to auditing and certifications, we can provide your dining service with an all-encompassing program to be a leader in hospitality.” In addition, they also “…provide consultation services including a full review of your Standard Operating Procedures and training in place, as well as review of all products, software, and corrective action plans.”
If you are a Farm to Fork facility, don’t leave your customers frustrated because you are not tracking ingredients and recipes for food allergens. Your business practices show that you care about doing what is right. Make sure you are taking care of all your customers by informing them of exactly what they are consuming. They want to feel good about supporting local businesses that strive to positively impact the environment and the community; help them feel even better by keeping them aware of potential food allergens on your menu.

For more information on our help contact MenuTrinfo at so you can serve all your guests with confidence.