Welcome to MenuTrinfo®!
MenuTrinfo® Protects Lives!
Hi – We’re MenuTrinfo®! We are experts in food allergies. Our team helps food products and facilities become Certified Free From™ 9 Major Allergens. (Eggs, Milk, Wheat, Soy, Fish, Shellfish, Tree Nuts, Peanuts and Sesame). We’re the first company of our kind in the world that does what we do.

A rigorous process you can trust! Our audits provide a hands-on review and analysis of your food service operation from loading dock to table top. Want to learn more about our procedures? Our Audit Process
What’s the purpose of all the seals?
MenuTrinfo® provides seals depending on what allergens a client is Certified Free From. Whether it’s one, three, five or all nine, we will provide clients with a custom seal (as pictured above) to properly and safely display the appropriate designations for the consumer to dine safely.
Why do I trust your seal?
MenuTrinfo®’s Certified Free From™ program has been recognized by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) National Accreditation Board (ANAB) as meeting the rigorous International Standards Organization (ISO) 17065 standards for certifying bodies. They are the first certification of their kind to reach this level of accreditation.
What’s the big deal about the seal?
Many consumers want to know there are standards and accreditation behind location and manufacturers soft claims. Anyone can say “our food is XYZ free!,” but the companies that go the extra mile and walk through our rigorous accreditation process are putting an entirely new level of confidence in their products and options for consumers.
What does our seal mean?
It strengthens any soft claims a kitchen or manufacturer might make, and lets consumers know all allergen-free claims live up to a set of rigorous standards that include regular testing, annual audits, and ongoing ingredient reviews. Ultimately, this provides safety, ease, and comfort for you and your loved ones suffering from food allergies.
What is AllerCheck™?
This program can allow the food service provider to work with food service professionals from AllerTrain® and MenuTrinfo® on an entirely new level.
Our team members review locations, menus, ingredients, service, policies, procedures, and missions for safer allergen service for the consumer. MORE INFO

We have auditors all over the country who are ready to visit retailers to make their Certified Package Goods (CPGs) “Certified Free From”™. Here are a list of products and brands that have partnered with us for these services. These products have been vetted by us and are safe to feed your families with. CPG: Food Products
The locations on the above map have used one or more of MenuTrinfo’s services (GlutenCheck, AllerCheck, Certified Vegan, Certified Paleo, etc.) for managing food allergies. This is a great tool in locating companies and clients who have been through the rigorous testing procedures to show they have been deemed safe for those with allergens. Client Map

Sending your kids off to school can be nerve-wracking for many parents, especially parents of those suffering from food allergies. We want to know that our kids will be taken care of and have plenty of options to choose from while dining. We have AllerTrained many campuses across the United States, and you can take a quick peek and see if the school you have in mind can be trusted! AllerTrained Colleges and Universities Map
A rigorous process you can trust! Our audits provide a hands-on review and analysis of your food service operation from loading dock to table top. Want to learn more about our procedures? Our Audit Process
Got a suggestion? We wish we could audit all of your favorite brands! If you have some brands in mind, we wouldn’t mind hearing about them – fill out the contact form and let us know who you think we should work with!
Get In Touch for Food Allergies!
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