Menu Labeling for Restaurants by MenuTrinfoPlaces like Panera Bread Company are being transparent with their menu items and are really thriving. If you’re wondering why that is, it’s because they’re giving their customers what they want to see— nutrition and allergen information! The restaurant industry is really moving towards being more open and honest about what goes into their food because customers want to be able to make an educated decision about what they’re eating. Can you blame them?
Transparency with Menu labeling can certainly help your restaurant become more transparent and stand out from the competition, in addition to helping you meet the needs of your clientele, so why wouldn’t you want to start being more open with your menus immediately?
There’s really no reason not to jump at the opportunity, especially with the menu labeling laws that are already set to take effect in December. Providing nutrition and allergen information to customers is going to be the only way to stay competitive here soon. Companies like Captain D’s are making the move towards labeling their menu items and identifying food allergens, and they’re choosing MenuTrinfo to help them with all of their nutritional labeling/menu labeling needs! You can view the nutrition and allergen information on their website to see the lengths they’ve gone to provide full transparency to their guests.
Customers want the information easily accessible, so having things labeled online or on your menu boards in the restaurant is the way to go. A simple Internet search or glance at the menu could save someone with food intolerances from ordering the wrong dish or could help another customer make the healthier choice when ordering their dinner. And why wouldn’t you want people to have that option?
MenuTrinfo can help you label your menus in a way that’s stress-free and easily digestible, if you will, just like we did with Captain D’s! To give diners the option of a healthier meal, give MenuTrinfo a call today at 888.767.6368. When it comes to menu labeling and nutritional analysis— we’re here for you!