For a long time, only a few states allowed food service establishments to stock epinephrine onsite. Now, more states allow it than not. The School Access to Emergency Epinephrine Act of 2013 encourages states to adopt laws requiring schools to have stock epi auto-injectors for use.
Our AllerTrain® Entity course teaches you how to recognize the signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis and someone having a severe allergic reaction. If you have access to stock epi, this is a great training course for any onsite location manager or identified person in charge (PIC).
Contact us to learn how to acquire stock epi.
Course Highlights:
- Online or Live Taught by a MenuTrinfo® Certified AllerTrainer
- Stand-alone course or taught alongside any AllerTrain® course
- Recertification is required every 2 years
- Learn to recognize signs & symptoms of allergic reactions including anaphylaxis, storage and administration of epinephrine, emergency procedures and follow-up
- Addresses multiple auto-injector devices
- Approximately a 30-minute course including videos and interactive activities that reinforce key information and a learning assessment.
About MenuTrinfo®:
MenuTrinfo® is a company dedicated to ensuring safe food service by providing allergen and nutritional information, as well as programs such as Certified Free From™, AllerTrain® and a wide variety of services for colleges, universities, manufacturers of consumer-packaged goods, and more. We excel in employee food allergy training and certification, as well as food safety guidance and menu consulting. MenuTrinfo® has become a trusted partner for food service partners and manufacturers across the United States, and the company’s mission is to protect lives and make dining experiences as safe as possible for those with allergy restrictions.