I have been hearing the rumblings since early May that this might come to pass but today it is official.  Menu Labeling is now set to be mandated to begin on December 1 2016.  One year after the previous 2015 deadline.
Here is the piece on the FDA’s website.

This will allow some fine details to be figured out from the top down. 

There are a number of questions left to be answered on the fine details of the regulations. Pizza serving sizes, what constitutes a soda size and how many oz’s must you display.  As the primary provider of nutritional information to restaurant around this country we have been asked every question you can imagine on this topic.  Sad to say but a few questions have no answers yet.  Giving everyone another 12 months will make things much clearer and easier for all concerned.

Many brands are still moving forward as planned

The FDA extending the deadline by a week is great for some but others are ready to move forward all the same.  Sharing the information and getting it out there is something that has been planned and will continue to happen for brands that have the wheels moving forward.  many are thrilled and some are still scratching their heads.

The panic we have been seeing can take a small breath

Although the 12 month delay is welcome by some I think that the fast approaching deadline made many realize they cant just wait and hope it will go away for ever.  The phone has been ringing of the hook at MenuTrinfo with professionals looking to make sure they are ready for what is coming in the 11th hours.  Lets all use the extra 12 months to the best advantage possible and make the right choices now to act rather then react moving forward.