At MenuTrinfo®, our mission is to protect lives and health. We have decided to take this motto to heart in the office and take regular walks together in order to support our own health and well-being while strengthening our team bond.
With the sun shining down and the solid ground beneath our feet we began our stroll and took in our surroundings. With each step we discovered more beauty. Everywhere we looked there were budding vegetable gardens of all shapes and sizes. Fort Collins, Colorado is a gardener’s paradise. Each space we saw was overflowing with vegetable plants reaching towards the sky. Gardening is not only visually pleasing for the passersby but it also has endless health benefits for the gardener.
Stress relief is one of the best health benefits of gardening. According to Kristen K. Brown, author of “The Happy Hour Effect: 12 Secrets to Minimize Stress and Maximize Life,” connecting with the earth and physically putting your hands in the soil can decrease the stress, restore your attention and revive your mood.  Being entirely present while completely aware of our surroundings and responsive only to the actions of nature can improve mental health and overall self-satisfaction.
Who knew gardening could also be considered a work out? Low impact exercises such as weeding, digging, and watering are great ways to get your blood and body moving. These activities increase circulation and oxygen supply to every cell in the body. Also, simply being outside can increase Vitamin D levels which helps to boost immune function and support healthy bones. Growing your own food can benefit overall health and well-being by generating productive and rewarding feelings. Studies done in the school setting have suggested kids are more likely to eat fruits and vegetables when they are involved in the growing process, says Anne Palmer, who studies food environments as the program director of Eating for the Future, a program based at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health Center for a Livable Future, in Baltimore.  The meal on their plate is something they cared for with their own two hands and grew from seed to harvest. Also, the fresh fruits and vegetables they are eating contain an amazing source of nutrition packed full of vitamins and minerals creating numerous health benefits.
Gardening is an all-around great way to have a healthy body, mind and spirit. The cultivation and appreciation for life makes even the simple act of witnessing a garden grow an enjoyable experience.  We noticed this as we walked surrounded by the scent of blooming flowers and honeysuckle. Not only were we able to enjoy the bright heads of lettuce and climbing tomatoes but we also received all of the benefits of walking.
We definitely felt the health benefits of our garden walk immediately. With every sense stimulated we all seemed to be full of good “juju”. When we returned to the office we were energized, happy, appreciative, and more productive than ever before. I challenge all of you to devote some time today to go for a walk and discover the immense beauty hiding in our everyday surroundings and indulge in the health benefits of gardening.  Let’s allow great health to continue to grow!