Things are getting pretty beefy here at MenuTrinfo®, literally. The eyes of our nutrition team have honed in on all things beef; even the vegetarian has joined the fun! We’ve dared to dive deeper into the world of beef and thoroughly investigate the elements involved in analyzing each unique cut. Consisting of mainly protein and fat, analyzing beef products may sound like a simple task. However, there are many steps involved in generating reliable nutrition data for your steak dinner.
While your steak sizzles away on the grill, the nutritional effects of cooking yield, marinade absorption and inedible refuse may not come to mind. To begin our analysis we evaluate the cut. Beef cuts have differing nutritional values and therefore must be selected with caution. For example, rib eye steak has double the calories of round steak for the same serving size. The cuts are selected based off internal research and the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) beef research. To ensure our nutrition values represent what customers consume, the refuse must also be accounted for to avoid weight discrepancies between the raw product and what greets guests at the table. Refuse calculations help eliminate non-edible portions of the cut, such as bones. This calculation allows nutrition to more accurately represent the product being consumed. Once the cut and the amount of refuse are determined, we look into marinade. Depending on the length of time and marinade contents, marinade can significantly alter the weight and nutritional profile of a product.
After accounting for marinade absorbency, we look into cooking yields of each cut. With the help of the USDA’s research and published results, our team has the ability to take the specific cut of beef, account for cooking loss and develop nutrition results to reflect what your diner will be eating. Cooking method is also factored in to the cooking yield, as different sources of heat can result in differing cooking yields.
Lastly, we evaluate any seasonings the chef may add to the finished product. From sauces to secret spice blends that top off the perfect sear, beef can take on a whole new dimension of nutrients after cooking. To account for these values, we use precise amounts and follow recipes with the same sharp eye we’ve always placed on menu analysis.
From start to finish, we look into every aspect involved in preparing a beef dish. Never fear fish-fanatics, poultry-partisans, and votary vegetarians, the same level of accuracy and dedication is also placed on analyzing these menu items as well! Our commitment to our partners shines through when analyzing all types of cuisine. So whether your restaurant serves filet mignon, London broil or faux-chicken, rest assured our nutrition team will analyze the menu with accuracy.