Survey says…Americans support menu labeling!  Last December, the Associated Press-GfK conducted a poll that revealed more than half of Americans, 56 percent, favor calorie postings in restaurants.   Nutrition labeling in grocery store delis and coffee shops is supported by around half of Americans and movie theater and vending machine postings are favored by 44 percent.  One-third of participants expressed a lack of nutrition information availability in restaurants, grocery stores, theaters and coffee shops.  Few individuals oppose the ruling, just one in ten.
More women than men were shown to favor menu labeling at restaurants and grocery delis, and college graduates were shown to favor menu labeling in all required establishments.  Perhaps hinting at desired dining locations, men found labeling to be more beneficial in fast food establishments.
Although a twist in the poll revealed that most Americans believe they have enough nutrition information available when eating away from the home, the support remains in favor of menu labeling.
The poll also considered the value Americans place on specific nutrients.  The amount of calories, sodium, sugar and fat within a meal were revealed to highly influence order selection in over half of Americans.  With access to more nutrition information upon request, Americans who value full disclosure of these nutrients may select healthful menu options as menu labeling becomes standard across the nation.
The completion of the poll revealed a lurking desire within the majority of Americans to have access to more information.  Due to this desire, it is wise for establishments that fall below the location requirement to consider having their menu analyzed.  As the final months of 2015 close, customers will become more accustomed to the availability of nutrition information, making it an appealing resource for all foodservice establishments to provide.  Not only will this be valued by some customers, but your establishment can use the information as a chance to develop more health-conscious meals if some nutrient values are not attractive.  Whether menu analysis is completed to meet the new requirements or to provide insight into your meals, the information will prove to be valuable.