Why should you offer menu nutritional information?
Your customers demand it.

  • While the obesity epidemic remains a staple topic on the nightly news, the push to educate and inform consumers to make smart choices is on.  Whether it is the success of the show The Biggest Loser,  Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move Campaign, programs such as Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution, or local grassroots organizations working to combat obesity, they are training consumers to read labels to make informed eating choices. Chances are you’ve already had customers request the service.  Your customers want full disclosure as to what they are eating and if you aren’t providing it, they’ll move to someone who is.

It’s the law.

  • When the health care bill was passed through the Senate, it included the mandate that chain restaurants  with over 20 outlets would now be required to provide nutrition information for menu offerings.  States such as New York, California, Missouri and Maryland have already passed stricter legislation requiring transparency in nutrition information for restaurants.  Even if your restaurant is not currently affected, it’s only a matter of time until it will be.  Want to learn more?  Read this article from the Wall Street Journal or subscribe to our mailing list for the latest legal information.

Answer the needs of our growing population of customers with dietary restrictions.

  • Lactose intolerant.  Gluten free.  Diabetic.  Hypoglycemic.  Allergic to nuts.  Celiac.  It seems like  every day there is a new food sensitivity or dietary restriction  making the news.  Imagine knowing that no matter the need, you will be able to know for certain that you, or any member of your staff will be able to provide a guarantee of which menu items are appropriate.

Your competitors are doing it.

  • If you don’t offer information, customers will move to someone who is, and more restaurants are offering the service ever day.

Ready to get started?  Call us at 888-767-8368, and we can start on a plan today!